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We offer books about Geographic Information Systems(GIS) and managing spatial databases.We focus on Open Source GIS, OGC standard compliant books, Geometric and Geographic theory bools and spatial database books. No spatial database understanding would be complete without good solid database understanding. In our database section, we offer books on the fundamentals of SQL, Good database design, and specifics on using PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite. We also offer a selection of GPS devices and Accessories for the Neo-Geographer.

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Finding Your Way Without Map or Compass
Amazon Price: $12.64    Lowest Used Price: $4.10 Lowest New Price: $8.95
During his remarkable lifetime, Harold Gatty became one of the world's great navigators (in 1931, he and Wiley Post flew around the world in a record-breaking eight days) and, to the benefit of posterity, recorded in this book much of his accumulated knowledge about pathfinding both on land and at sea.
Applying methods used by primitive peoples and early explorers, the author shows how to determine location, study wind directions and reflections in the sky, even how to use the senses of smell and hearing to find your way in the wilderness, in a desert, in snow-covered areas, and on the ocean. By observing birds and other animals, weather patterns, vegetation, shifting sands, patterns of snow fields, and the positions of the sun, moon, and stars, would-be explorers can learn to estimate distances and find their way without having to rely on a map or a compass.
The wealth of valuable data and advice in this volume much of it unavailable elsewhere makes it indispensable for hikers, bikers, scouts, sailors, and outdoorsmen all those who might find themselves stranded or lost in an unfamiliar area. Through careful study of this book and its lessons, pathfinders can learn to interpret signs in the natural world to find their way in almost any kind of terrain.
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