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We offer books about Geographic Information Systems(GIS) and managing spatial databases.We focus on Open Source GIS, OGC standard compliant books, Geometric and Geographic theory bools and spatial database books. No spatial database understanding would be complete without good solid database understanding. In our database section, we offer books on the fundamentals of SQL, Good database design, and specifics on using PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite. We also offer a selection of GPS devices and Accessories for the Neo-Geographer.

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pgRouting: A Practical Guide
Amazon Price: $35.99    Lowest Used Price: $0.00 Lowest New Price: $35.99

What is pgRouting? It's a PostgreSQL extension for developing network routing applications and doing graph analysis.

Interested in pgRouting? If so, chances are you already use PostGIS, the spatial extender for the PostgreSQL database management system. So when you've got PostGIS, why do you need pgRouting? PostGIS is a great tool for molding geometries and doing proximity analysis, however, it falls short when your proximity analysis involves constrained paths such as driving along a road or biking along defined paths.

PostGIS alone can't help you apply costs and resource constraints to your travels, such as traffic congestion, mileage restrictions, or allocating resources like vehicles. pgRouting is a complement to PostGIS that allows you to incorporate costs and path restrictions to your proximity analysis.

pgRouting is well suited to building travel navigation systems and computing driving distance polygons for places of interest. While the main focus of pgRouting is GIS applications, it can be used for non-GIS resource management and routing applications.

This book will give you all the tools and information you need to get started with pgRouting, as well as complete code examples and even how to deploy your project to the web.

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